
UPO Diagnosis

UPO Action Plan

Table of contents

About this site

In September 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an action plan for people, the planet, and prosperity, which also aims to strengthen universal peace and access to justice. This agenda is detailed in 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets for the year 2030.

Pablo de Olavide University (UPO), like other organizations, has found in the SDGs a roadmap to align the university's work with the major challenges of the planet and its people, 'leaving no one behind'.

The UPO's sustainable development indicators panel includes the technical aspects of monitoring UPO2030 and the working methodology for its measurement, as well as the objectives set out in the Action Plan for the year 2030. It also integrates information related to the sectoral plans that make it up (Equality, Inclusion, and Planet).

The Rector's Delegate for the Sustainable Campus is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda at our university and monitoring it. Therefore, it is responsible for this Control Panel and its maintenance.

The main objectives of the Sustainable Campus Delegation, all linked to the A2030, are:

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